20 Years of Special Autonomy Funds Flowing to Papua, Many are Still Ignored

The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) revealed the reason, Papua and West Papua have received special autonomy (autonomy) funds since 20 years ago. This is based on Law 21 of 2001 on Special Autonomy for Papua Province.

Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani explained this was because in the Papua region there were still many uneven gaps and lack of justice. In order to accelerate the increase in the level of welfare and economic development of the people in Papua and West Papua, the government has disbursed special autonomy funds or autonomy funds.

"The administration of governance and the implementation of development in Papua province has not fully fulfilled the sense of justice. And it is not possible to achieve prosperity. This was seen in 2001," said Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani in a virtual meeting with the DPD, Tuesday (26/1/2021).

Then, the management and utilization of assets in Papua province has not been used optimally. So that it has not improved the standard of living of the indigenous people and has resulted in gaps between Papua province and other regions

"So there are still many neglect of the basic rights of indigenous Papuans," he explained.

He added, with the special autonomy funds for Papua and West Papua, namely to reduce the gap between Papua and other provinces. As well as improving the standard of living of people in Papua and West Papua.

"So there is a need for a special policy within the framework of the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia," he said.

The special autonomy fund is a grant from the central government to certain provincial governments. The autonomy fund was given by the central government as a consequence of the special autonomy status. Post-reform, currently there are 3 provinces with special autonomy status, namely Papua Province, West Papua Province, and Aceh Province.

The grants provided by the central government are also in the form of special funds for DI Yogyakarta. Meanwhile, the Government set a special autonomy fund (autonomy) for Papua and West Papua Provinces in the 2021 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget Draft (RAPBN 2021) amounting to IDR 7.8 trillion. This figure is an increase from the 2020 Revised State Budget, which is IDR 7.6 trillion.

Source: https://ekbis.sindonews.com/read/314132/33/20-tahun-dana-otsus-mengalir-ke-papua-sri-mulyani-bongkar-masih-banyak-pengabaian-1611633689

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