Tabi traditional leaders support the expansion of new autonomous regions in Papua


In connection with the plan for the expansion of the New Autonomous Region (DOB) in Papua, many community leaders and traditional leaders have voiced their voices and gave their support so that the plan can be realized.

When met at his residence, Ondofolo Yanto Eluay, who is a Tabi customary figure, was met at his residence on Saturday (13/2/2021) to provide support for the government's plan for the expansion of a new Autonomous region in Papua.

"As traditional leaders, we agree and support the government in providing a policy for Papua to be divided into several provinces," he said

Yanto Assesses the purpose of pemekaran for the progress and welfare of the Papuan people as well as for education and progress in all aspects and that is the basis for him to provide support.

Therefore, he as a traditional leader continues to encourage and support the realization of the government regarding the plan to expand the new Autonomous Region in Papua and West Papua Provinces.

"This division has a very good purpose, so we appeal to all people in the land of Papua to support the expansion policy in Papua," he added.

The division of the New Autonomous Region carried out by the central government, said Ondo Yanto, is oriented towards customary territories and this is very positive for the progress of indigenous peoples in Papua.

"Our appreciation goes to the government for giving the opportunity to indigenous peoples to be involved in supporting and advancing their respective customary territories," said Ondo Yanto.

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