Members of Commission I DPR Ask the Police to Decide on the KKB for Papua for Terrorism Organizations

Member of Commission I of the House of Representatives, Syaifullah Tamliha hopes that the Indonesian National Police will take firm action against the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) action in Papua. He asked the KKB to be defined as terrorists as regulated in Law Number 5 of 2018 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Terrorism.

"I hope the police will immediately take firm action against this action and determine that the KKB organization is the perpetrator of terrorism," Tamliha said in a written statement, Sunday, April 18, 2021.

Tamliha's statement was in response to an action reported recently that KKB committed murder and rape in Beoga District, Puncak Regency, Papua. Regarding the accusation, Tempo contacted the spokesman for the National Liberation Army for West Papua-Free Papua Organization Sebby Sambom, but had not yet responded to it.

Syaifullah Tamliha said that in Law Number 5 of 2018, terrorism is defined as an act that uses violence or threats of violence that creates an atmosphere of terror or widespread fear, causing mass victims with ideological, political or security motives. This United Development Party politician assessed that the actions of armed criminal groups have been included in the definition of terrorism.

"In determining whether a group is categorized as a terrorist or not, we should not be trapped by acts of ideological motives on radical or religious groups," said Tamliha.

He is of the opinion that the categorization must be based on a complete understanding referring to the definition of terrorism in Law Number 5 of 2018. Moreover, said Tamliha, the Terrorism Law has given the mandate to the Indonesian National Army to be involved in the eradication of criminal acts of terrorism.

Tamliha said that the security apparatus, both the National Police and the TNI, must take firm action against the KKB group and without compromise. He said that it was even time for the TNI to strengthen its troops by increasing the number of personnel. "To eradicate the KKB which is very disturbing for the community," said Tamliha.

The proposal to categorize the KKB in Papua as a terrorist group was previously raised by the Head of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) Commissioner General Boy Rafli Amar. In a Hearing Meeting with Commission III of the DPR on Monday, March 22, Boy said his agency was reviewing the option to include the KKB as a terrorism network.

Civil society groups oppose and declare that the stamp of terrorism or terrorism for the KKB will not solve the problem of violence that has so far occurred in Papua and West Papua. Chairman of the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI) Asfinawati said the government seemed to be looking for legal loopholes to commit acts of violence, but did not want to bear the consequences of these actions.

SOURCE: Polisi-tentuk-kkb-papua-organis-terorisme/full&view=ok

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