Several PON XX Papua Venues Inaugurated at the End of this Year

The XX Papua PON venue in Sentani Regency and Jayapura City is planned to be inaugurated at the end of 2020.

Papua Governor Lukas Enembe said, before being handed over to KONI Papua and the Papua Sports and Youth Office, it would first be inaugurated.

"Before the implementation, I will inaugurate it in October or November," said the Governor.

Meanwhile, Acting Head of the Papua Sports and Youth (Disorda) Office Alex Kapisa said that currently the venue construction process has reached 95-97 percent.

According to him, the governor will inaugurate the Papua Bangkit stadium, Kampung Harapan sports center, and the venue in Doyo. Including venue facilities in Jayapura City.

"For the election, we from Disorda will work together with the PUPR Papua Service, and as an organization the formation of the existing UPTD under Disorda will be in charge of maintaining the maintenance of sports facilities in the Mandala sports complex," he said.

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