KKB Kills Nakes, Komnas HAM: Violates Human Rights

Komnas HAM Papua Representative Frits Bernard Ramandey said the violence against health workers carried out by the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) in the Kiwirok District, Bintang Mountains, Papua violated human rights.

] "The violence carried out by the KKB against health workers will not get any place or sympathy in the eyes of the international community because what they are doing is contrary to human rights principles," said Frits to Tempo, Saturday, September 18, 2021.

He admitted that he had communicated with the Spokesperson for the West Papua National Liberation Army or TPNPB - Free Papua Organization (OPM) Sebby Sambom so that he would no longer call for war and expulsion of non-Papuans. Sebby often spreads calls for war to the TNI-Polri and expels non-Papuans to get out of Papua. Sebby said that if they did not leave Papua, they would also become targets.

According to Frits, the call was an instruction to commit violence in the field. He also asked Sebby to rectify his call so that he would no longer issue calls that could endanger humanitarian workers. However, to Frits, Sebby said that what he was doing was a form of struggle for independence.

The call, said Frits, contradicts the edict issued by the OPM Commander Amos Sorondanja who asked all Armed Criminal Groups not to disrupt security during the XX Papua PON. "There is a difference of command within their own internal bodies," Frits said.

In addition, Frits called for the government to pay more attention to health workers in the interior of Papua and also to provide protection and trauma healing to victims of violence against health workers. He also communicates with a number of related institutions such as the TNI-Polri and other authorities so that this issue can be handled properly.

"We uphold impartiality so that there are no accusations of Komnas HAM supporting certain groups,"

On September 13, KKB carried out arson and attacks, such as at puskesmas and schools in Kiwirok District, Bintang Mountains. KKB also committed violence against a number of health workers. A health worker named Gabriela Meilani died because she was subjected to violence by the KKB. Gabriela is found in a ravine in a dire state. While a number of other health workers suffered stab wounds and blows. One health worker has not been found.

Frits said the pattern carried out by KKB was the same as the attack in Nduga last April which also attacked teachers. He also criticized the violence perpetrated by the KKB against humanitarian workers. "We condemn this sadistic act," he said.

SOURCE : https://nasional.tempo.co/read/1507747/kkb-kill-nakes-komnas-ham-melanggar-ham/full&view=ok

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