Online motorcycle taxi gets food assistance from Jayapura police |
Kota Jayapura City Police share love in the context of the National Police Concern for COVID-19 by providing food assistance to online ojeg drivers or Grab Bikes in Jayapura City, Papua.
Jayapura City Police Chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner Gustav R. Urbinas in Jayapura explained that the assistance was nothing but a Polri program in the midst of the COVID-19 epidemic as a manifestation of Polri's concern.
"This is a National Police program that is distributed to the regional police, then to the police station to be given to the public," he said.
According to him, the distribution of this assistance was a follow-up by the police in assisting the government in handling for communities affected by COVID-19, particularly in Jayapura City.
"For this assistance, we are in synergy with the government. Another goal is that humanitarian assistance is distributed evenly," he said.
In addition to providing assistance to online ojeg drivers, his party also provides assistance to the community from Jayapura City as well as church guards and mosque mosque.
"This is our second assistance. 150 packages have previously been distributed to the preachers, church guards and mosque mosque in Jayapura City. On Friday (5/22) up to today we have distributed 153 packages according to data received from the Jayapura City Social Service , "said AKBP Gustav R. Urbinas.
Meanwhile, Jayapura City Grab Bike Coordinator Dian Puspitasari expressed his gratitude to the police, especially the Jayapura City Police, for caring through the provision of food supplies.
"We thank the Jayapura City Police Chief and staff for this concern, bearing in mind that this assistance is very beneficial for us in the corona virus pandemic situation," he said.
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