The Government Continues to Advance Welfare Approaches for Papuan Communities

The Government Continues to Advance Welfare Approaches for Papuan Communities

The Coordinating Minister for Politics and Security, Mahfud MD, emphasized that the government still prioritizes the welfare approach for the people of Papua. The government will not add troops to Papua to fight the Armed Criminal Group (KKB).
"Reaffirming that the government's policy to deal with the Papua problem is a welfare approach," Mahfud said after chairing a coordination meeting related to Papua at the Coordinating Ministry for Politics and Security, Jakarta, Tuesday (03/10/2020).
He explained, the government had finished completing the draft Presidential Decree No. 9 of 2017 concerning the Acceleration of Papua Development which had expired. In the Inpres, there are two Papuan desks, one of which is handled by Bappenas. One more general development desk handled by the Coordinating Minister for Politics and Security concerning the Defense and Security.
"Now it is put together to be more integrated and not impressed that the Police, the TNI are handling it themselves. Later, together with Bappenas, will carry out comprehensive development," explained Mahfud MD.
Mahfud stressed that the government would not add troops to Papua, although near the PT Freeport area, Tembagapura there were three KKB groups who carried out the attack. Mahfud said there were troops there and had carried out their duties according to legal procedures.
"It's okay, so it can be settled there. There are procedures there. The meeting stated that it was enough, "he stressed.
Mahfud also emphasized that the government guarantees the continuation of the PON and the implementation of the elections which will be held in Papua. The community is seen as not needing to evacuate because the government guarantees security in Papua.

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