Bank Papua is developing digital products

PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah or Bank Papua has developed digital products that can support the implementation of Regional Government Transaction Electronification (ETPD), both for government revenues and expenditures.

Business Director of Bank Papua Sadar Sebayang in Jayapura, Monday, said that digital products have been developed to support the Jayapura City Government ETPD Revenue or Tax and Retribution Receipts through MPOS or TMD machines, EDC machines, ATMs, Tellers and Modern Channels.

In addition, shopping or spending can use the Internet Banking channel, Papua Pandai, CMS or SIPD, ATM, M-Banking, Quick Response Indonesian Standard (QRIS), he said.

According to Sebayang, his party hopes that the implementation of ETPD will improve local government financial management to be more efficient, transparent, and accountable so that it can increase Jayapura City's Original Regional Revenue (PAD).

He explained that the QRIS application is one of the non-cash payment channels that is expected to improve cost efficiency, time and accountability as well as media that can be accessed by all payment system service providers.

"This application is a solution for MSME actors in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, where MSME customers no longer accept cash payments so they can immediately increase their savings," he said.

He added that now Bank Papua has launched digital products including QRIS, Laku Pandai or Papua Pandai agents (Officeless Financial Services), Mobile Banking, Whatsapp Bisnis, PACE (Papua Customer Care/Digital Queue), SMS Banking, Internet Banking, CMS Corporate.

"We hope that these products and services can facilitate banking transactions and improve the efficiency of the local government and the people of Jayapura City," he said.


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