The West Java Papua Care Committee is committed to supporting the implementation of Special Authorization (Otsus) volume II for Papua province.
This was stated in the form of a joint declaration, after a review of the Balance Sheet Policy and Public Studies Institute (LKKPH) was held, attended by 31 students at the Serela Hotel, Bandung City.
Chief Executive Muhammad Ari said that as the executor of the activity in collaboration with LKKPH Neraca / West Java Papua Care Committee said, currently, conditions appeared quite heated related to the holding of Otsus.
"There have been several rejections from student groups who have tried to invite heated conditions in the beloved NKRI," said Ari.
In connection with this problem, it seems as a nation that wants conduciveness and security and welfare, as well as knowing firsthand the views of students from Papua.
"We invite Papuan student friends to share the opinions and attitudes of the Papuan student friends who firmly support the implementation of the Papua Special Autonomy," said Ari.
Ari assessed that this gathering and declaration, basically Otsus Papua is a solution for solving the Papua problem in the past.
Otsus is multidimensional and a formal legal basis for granting special authority by the state to the government and the people in Papua and West Papua provinces.
"So it means the commitment to allocate a number of sources of funding that are affirmative for the two provinces as stipulated in Articles 34 to 36 of the Papua Special Autonomy Law," said Ari.
He added, Otsus is an opportunity for the government and people in this land of paradise to spur development acceleration processes in various fields. Both physical and non-physical, improving the quality of government administration and public services.
For this reason, related to the implementation of Otsus Papua, activities are needed so that all parties, especially students from Papua who are in West Java, can declare that Papuan students in West Java support Otsus Papua.
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