The Chairman of KONI, Marciano Norman, gave the latest news regarding the continuation of PON Papua 2021 amidst the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic that have not subsided in Indonesia. According to Marciano Norman, PON Papua will continue according to the predetermined schedule, namely on October 2-31, 2021.
The construction of the match venue has also reached 90 percent, making him optimistic that PON can be carried out according to schedule.
However, given the high positive cases of Covid-19 in the country, KONI has prepared a backup plan by holding a match without spectators.
If this is the case, later the community will be able to watch the 20th PON in Papua live streaming and live broadcast via national television.
"From January to before the implementation, we will also evaluate from time to time," said Marciano Norman
"Is it possible to carry out with an audience. If not, the alternative is without an audience, that is the worst scenario," he continued.
Even though we have already thought about a backup plan, it is still at the stage of study by considering the future conditions of Covid-19 and the implementation of the Tokyo Olympics in August.
The Olympics will be a reference for KONI for the implementation of PON in October. Meanwhile, in the PON Papua show, there are 37 sports with 679 match numbers.
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