Young Papuan Leaders Have the Spirit to Create Peace in the Land of Papua

The Commander of Korem 172/PWY Brigadier General JO Sembiring expressed his appreciation to the Young Papuan Leaders who have a high spirit to unite to create peace, peace and prosperity in the Land of Papua.

This was conveyed by Danrem to the media during the face-to-face meeting between Danrem 172/PWY with Papuan Youth Leaders which took place in the Hall of Makorem 172/PWY, Abepura District, Jayapura City, Friday (08/07/2022).

Furthermore, he said, in the activity that was packed with discussions, many of the youths present gave their input and thoughts related to the current situation and conditions in Papua. This activity started when many Papuan Youth Leaders asked to meet with the new Danrem to share and exchange ideas.

“Not only do those present today have the same thoughts as me, but there are also different opinions. We take their input wisely and we take notes and we sort out which ones fall under our authority (TNI) which we will synergize later," said Danrem.

This activity, said Danrem, is in line with the vision of Korem 172/PWY, namely treating and healing wounds, then burying grudges and strengthening cohesion. "This is one part of our task, which is to strengthen cohesion with all stakeholders, including youth," he said.

Danrem also said that the Young Papuan Leaders wanted meetings like this to continue, not only here.

"We are ready even if later invited to meet in their dormitories, even meet with friends from KNPB who also have my friends there. I conveyed to them, my principle is that we may have different views but that does not prevent us from being brothers. This is important in my opinion that must be understood and some have agreed with me," concluded the Danrem.

The activity was attended by 58 people from various circles of Papuan Youth Leaders in the Korem 172/PWY area covering the City/Kab. Jayapura and Kab. Keerom.


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