PLN Papua is ready to carry out electricity tariff adjustments

PLN Main Unit for Papua and West Papua Region (UIW PPB) is ready to implement the government's decision to adjust electricity tariffs to non-subsidized household customers of 3,500 Volt Ampere (VA) and above (R2 and R3) and government groups (P1, P2 and P3) as of 1 July 2022.
General Manager of PLN Main Unit for Papua and West Papua Region, Mochammad Andy Achaminoerdin in Jayapura, Wednesday, said that in order to protect small communities, electricity tariffs for other groups, namely households below 3,500 VA, business and industry did not change.
"For the Papua and West Papua regions, the tariff adjustment will only be applied to 33,716 well-to-do household customers or 4.4 percent of the total 765,805 PLN customers in the two provinces," he said.
According to Andy, the tariff adjustment also applies to 3,919 government customers or 0.5 percent.
"For that, we are ready to carry out the government's decision in order to realize a fair electricity tariff," he said.
He explained that the application of compensation will still be given to people who are entitled to receive it, apart from household customers with power below 3,500 VA, electricity rates for MSMEs, businesses and industries will also remain unchanged.
"In addition to the government, the tariff adjustment made only for household customers with a power of 3,500 VA and above, is a step that the government should appreciate," he said.
He added that by adjusting the electricity tariff, it is hoped that compensation can really be given to those who are entitled to receive it.
"In addition, the government also continues to provide electricity subsidies to customers of the 450-900 VA subsidized class, in accordance with Law (UU) Number 30 of 2009 concerning electric power," he said again.


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