The head of the Jayapura-Papua City Manpower Office, Djoni Naa, said that as many as 800 honorary employees at the Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD) of the Jayapura City Government will receive cash direct assistance (BLT) of Rp.600 thousand every month for four months from September to December 2020.
"Honorary government employees also get assistance because they are registered with BPJS Ketenagakerjaan through their respective regional apparatus organizations," said Naa at the Jayapura-Papua Mayor's Office, Friday (14/8/2020).
The direct cash assistance is to provide opportunities for honorary employees who serve in government agencies because they earn less than IDR 5 million.
He gave an example of five honorary employees at the Jayapura City Manpower Office who have registered with BPJS Ketenagakerjaan. The monthly fee is paid smoothly. Every month the payment is 0.4 percent of the salary or IDR 18 thousand.
"So, those who have registered with BPJS Ketenagakerjaan whose dues have been paid by June, will definitely get it," said Naa.
The Deputy Mayor of Jayapura, Rustan Saru, said that direct cash assistance was given to honorary employees to help meet food needs amid the Covid-19 pandemic.
"Indeed, the assistance did not completely solve the problem, but the assistance was given as a form of the government's concern for the community to reduce the burden of life necessities. I hope that this assistance can be utilized properly, ”said Rustan.
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