Special Autonomy is a Solution for the Awakening of Cultural Arts in Papua, Regent Mathius: Education should not be rigid

Jayapura Regent Mathius Awoitauw stated that Special Autonomy (Otsus) was the best solution for the advancement of intelligence, the rise of culture in Papua through creative youth so that the world of education should not be rigid.

This was conveyed in the remarks of the Regent of Jayapura, Mathius Awoitauw at the commemoration of National Education Day at the Regent's Office Field, Sentani, Jayapura Regency, Friday (13/5/2022).
"School principals, teachers, and the Education Office as well as all parties, there is no other way for this nation, we can stand strong and be smart as expected from this education minister's speech, therefore I invite all of us to look at human resources so that they can be integrated," he said.
It is said that cooperation is needed because the future of Papua today is in the hands of the parties in the empowerment and civilization efforts.

"Special autonomy has provided an extraordinary and special space in this Republic that building the future of Papua based on our customs and culture has all followed the extraordinary dynamics in Papua," he said.

According to him, there is a creative youth movement because they see that there are empty spaces to improve human resources, which are not accommodated properly.

Also the reading house community has begun to develop at this time because there is empty space that has not been creatively integrated in their respective environments.

Freedom of Learning must be understood that the condition of Papua requires innovation and creativity, many opportunities can be done in an integrated, collaborative manner, but also supported by information technology that has begun to develop.
"Therefore, as in the speech of the minister of education and culture from technology that we are required to work hard again for the world of education, we have extraordinary teachers, so I hope this can be collaborated well," he said.

Starting next year Junior High Schools will be in the District, the mandate of the special autonomy law is that all parties must be able to establish a good world of education.

From universities and colleges in the future there will be practical field work so that they can synergize because it continues great ideas like this.

SOURCE: https://papua.tribunnews.com/2022/05/13/otsus-solution-bangkitnya-seni-culture-di-tanah-papua-bupati-mathius-dunia-dalam-jangan-kaku

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