The Papua Province LIRA Youth Regional Leadership Council held a Panel Discussion with the theme Accelerating Papuan development in the perspective of interfaith youth. The discussion, which coincided with the national revival day on May 20, 2022, presented speakers and participants from various religious denominations.
This activity was opened directly by the chairman of the Papua Province LIRA Youth DPW, Steve Rick Elson Mara, SH, M.Han accompanied by the Regional Secretary Martinus Ruamba, M.Pd, Treasurer Pdt. Desi Daimboa, Deputy Chair I Yoksan Ballan SH, Head of LIRA Jayapura City Jupiter Kafiar, S, Ked and Chairman of LIRA Biak Numfor Everest Fonataba.
The presenters in this activity were Pdt. Hiskia Rollo General Chairperson of the Communion of Churches Papua (PGGP), Father Pandita Arya Dharmmo Aan, Dr. Eko Siswanto, Drs. TH Pasaribu, M.Si Secretary of FKUB Prov. Papuans. Participants who were invited to this activity came from the BEM of the Religious Campus of STT IS Kijne, STFT Fajar Timur, Univ. UOG and Yapis Papua, as well as Religious OKP GMKI, PMKRI, HMI, PMII, Church Dedomination Youth in Papua Province.
The acceleration of Papua's development has become an interesting topic for discussion by interfaith youth, Pdt. Hiskia Rollo said that since the era of integration, Papuans have lived side by side with the people of the archipelago.
"The acceleration of Papua's development at that time was carried out by preparing the younger generation to become Papua's future leaders. Development in human resources was prepared according to the department, just as those who wanted to become priests were immediately prepared for theological schools," he said.
The same thing was conveyed by the Secretary of FKUB Jayapura City TH Pasaribu that Youth since ancient times is the hope of the nation that must be prepared carefully by the government but also by religious institutions. TH Pasaribu also reminded the interfaith generation of Papua Province that ideals and determination alone are not enough to prepare for the future of Papua, but real action is needed that is shown through attitude and mentality.
Several important things that became important notes from TH Pasaribu who had been the Regional Secretary of Jayapura City for six years were that currently there were many groups of provocateurs who tried to destroy unity and integrity, the emergence of radical organizations that used religion as a vehicle to justify the group's evil activities. Another thing that the government should pay attention to in order to safeguard the future of Papua is the circulation of liquor, drugs, and HIV AIDS.
Father Pandita Arya also voiced that in accelerating the development of Papua through Special Autonomy and the New Autonomy Region it must be accepted first, in Buddhism it is stated that there is suffering that must be accepted so that we can know the truth of the suffering. Does this suffering have a good or bad impact on the Papuan people. After the Papuan people know the truth of the suffering, then we will look for a solution.
Romo added that Papua is a different area from other regions in Indonesia, other areas in Indonesia are plain areas but in Papua there are many hilly and mountain areas which also shows that in Papua there are many challenges. However, the challenges that exist in Papua must be seen as a causal karma to get a better future for Papua. Romo closed his material by saying that Papua is like a durian, outside it looks thorny and rough but inside it is very soft and sweet.
Representatives of Islamic figures, Dr. Eko Siswanto also said that the New Autonomous Region was also a good basis for the future of Papua. But of course, with the formation of a new province, it must be adjusted to the preparation of Human Resources or human resources and Natural Resources or natural resources.
Youth are expected to be able to prepare themselves in accordance with the competencies for Indonesia's national development. with the hope that the Papua LIRA Youth DPW will again carry out the same activity to summarize Papuan youth not only from religion but from other nationalist OKPs to map out what variables should be prepared for the future of Papua.
Dr. Eko Siswanto also provides several strategies, namely youth need to prepare themselves through education, youth must also anticipate our morality in order to have good character, with our main goal being to maintain togetherness and have an open inclusive paradigm to face various differences. Youths are also required to have one perception with the same goal, namely prosperity and peace.
In the suggestion and input session, the PAM Klasis Port Numbay section also conveyed its ideas for accelerating Papua's development through mental development of youth and also religious involvement in providing recommendations for young people to find work. And representatives of Baptist and Pentecostal Youth hope that there is a need for ties of the younger generation such as FKUB to bind interfaith youth in Indonesia.
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