Papuan Police Chief: Troops Don't Disturb School Activities in Dekai

Papua Police Chief Inspector General Mathius Fakhiri ensured that the presence of Brimob BKO personnel temporarily occupying the school building in Dekai did not interfere with students' teaching and learning activities. The presence of Brimob personnel does not interfere with teaching and learning activities because it will only be held on Monday (24/1/2022) tomorrow.
Before being placed in the school, he said, the Head of the Yahukimo Police had coordinated with the local regional leadership. "Getting permission to temporarily occupy the three schools," he said, Friday (21/1/2022).
The Kapolda said that Brimob members would be placed in the Dekai GOR which is currently being prepared. The Kapolda said that he and his staff fully understand the function of schools as places for teaching and learning, and puskesmas or hospitals as places for health services, so they hope that this issue will not be politicized.

The existence of the Brimob BKO was due to the increasing security escalation in the area when the former regent Yahukimo died some time earlier, so additional personnel were added. "If the security and security conditions are declared conditional, personnel will be withdrawn from the area," he said.

The schools serving as shelters for Brimob personnel are SMA Ninia, SMA Negeri 2 Dekai, and SMK Negeri 2 Dekai. Earlier Thursday (20/1/2021), students held a demonstration to the Yahukimo Education Office in Dekai regarding the making of the school as a shelter for Brimob BKO members.


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