KNPB is known as a separatist organization that always fusses over things in the name of human rights, this seems to give the assumption that KNPB is an organization that supports equality. Although currently the international community has understood the direction and purpose of KNPB as an organization that is nothing more than an effort to seek profit and pass a number of interests. They are widely criticized because a number of chaos in Papua always started from the organization led by Agus Kossay.
Although openly claiming to be a separatist organization that opposes the government, the existence of the KBPB is not always seen as an enemy of the state. President Joko Widodo with great heart once stated that if the handling of problems in Papua related to separatism has been evaluated and will be approached with a humanitarian point of view.

One of the traditional leaders of the Kamoro Tribe, Gregorius Okoare, responding to the KNPB's actions in recent times has expressed his appreciation for the steps taken by the state through the security forces in dealing with KNPB or various other separatist organizations. According to him, the changes are already evident in how the TNI/Polri officers work by prioritizing the humanist side.

However, this certainly does not happen immediately, Gregory stated that if the apparatus is like a reflection of each person/group, the apparatus cannot be rash in taking action. He gave an example regarding discussion efforts in solving problems that are always carried out in a calm and peaceful situation, this is said to be different considering the efforts of the apparatus in dealing with terror acts by spearatic groups who have used firearms.

Regarding the meeting between the police and Agus Kossay in Jayapura City (13/11), this really needs to be appreciated. Not only as a persuasive effort to ask KNPB not to take actions that violate the law regarding the security situation in Jayapura City, this incident also needs to be seen as a form of friendship or coordination effort that can occur anytime and anywhere.

Gregory is of the view that in the meeting that took place between Agus Kossay and the police, both of them agreed to abandon their respective identities and interests. The discussion that took place was only related to communication without linking strategic efforts.

However, the meeting certainly has caused polarization regarding the opinions of various parties, it is also because KNPB is an organization that has quite a lot of sympathizers. Because the narrow-minded KNPB sympathizer group always dramatizes every event that occurs, to continue to be used to create another bigger conflict.

Gregory views the propaganda carried out by the KNPB as paranoid and must be abandoned immediately. KNPB often claims that it is an organization that defends human rights, even this is often conveyed in the free pulpit as a demand, but communication is limited to a meeting between Agus Kosay and the police where there has never even been an act of injuring, handcuffing, or arresting continuously seen as a threat. .

On that occasion Gregory then emphasized that if the KNPB must be able to position itself wisely, the KNPB must also be able to open itself to all the dynamics that occur, and consider all actions carried out with propaganda tricks. Because various bloody events that occurred in Papua, such as anti-racist demonstrations in the cities of Jayapura and Wamena which led to riots, still linger in the memory that the KNPB is the main actor behind these dark events.


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