Spokesperson for TPNPB-OPM, Sebby Sambom, in a statement said that the struggle for the liberation of Papua should not be tainted with contestation and group interests. His restlessness arose when he saw the efforts of a few people who seemed to be selling the name of Papua.

Sebby said that Papuans have dignity since they were handed down by their elders. Therefore, he firmly holds that the struggle for the liberation of Papua should not be carried out by bringing down the name of Papua. (25/11)

“Fighting is necessary, there must be sacrifices, it can be blood, sweat, thoughts. But we should never beg, it has brought down the dignity of the Papuan people. We have a great name, don't let the Papuans themselves put us down as if we are down and helpless,"

Sebby Sambom's statement allegedly alluded to the call for the Papuan Church Council to respond to the dynamics happening in Papua. He considered that the action had insulted the spirit of struggle. (21/11)

"It has a relationship with ULMWP, if the context (struggle) through diplomacy is quite justifiable. They adopted diplomacy but couldn't implement it, the Church Council actually insulted the spirit of struggle,"

Responding to the call issued by the Papuan Church Council, a senior figure explained that the action was merely taking advantage of the situation related to the Catholic priest of the Timika Diocese who previously opened a statement regarding the separatist actions in Intan Jaya Regency. (26/11)

“What I also noticed was that the Church Council was just following along, as was done by the Catholic priest in Timika (31/10). Because those two things are very different, if the Church Council really doesn't speak for the good, it can be said that they are provocateurs."

Korwa also explained that slanted narratives that are considered controversial are always overthrown by groups affiliated with the Papuan liberation movement when actions involving the use of weapons are considered deadlocked.

“Indeed, the conditions must be like this, I see that if there is no armed conflict, groups will emerge which heat up with controversy. This group (Church Council) that makes Papua feel never peaceful. Even though they are religious leaders, they should have a moral responsibility there,"

Korwa criticized the action of the Church Council led by Benny Giay, Andrikus Mofu, Dorman Wandikbo, and Socratez Yoman. According to him, the Church Council group, which is filled with priests, has violated the essence and principles of religion that should be able to bring peace.

"The Church Council does not provide a middle way for peace but instead continues to maintain the fire of conflict, things like this must always be criticized because they have shifted the nature and principles of religion,"

Korwa also denied the Church Council's statement regarding restrictions on the basic rights of Papuans. In fact, according to him, what is happening to Papuans today is a moment of mental degradation. Korwa emphasized that all Papuans have the same opportunity to develop themselves.

“There were never any restrictions, everyone had the same opportunity. It's just that mental degradation is happening, back to propaganda from separatist groups for example, they always brag about a better life, about natural resources that can prosper Papua, indirectly such opinions have shaped Papuans to be lazy, "


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