The President attended the laying of the groundwork for the Papua Youth Creative Hub Jayapura

On Saturday, October 2, 2021, at Jalan Rajawali BTN Skyland Indah, Abepura District, Jayapura City, Papua Province, the President of the Republic of Indonesia Ir. H. Joko Widodo groundbreaking (laying the first stone) Papua Youth Creative Hub Jayapura.

Present at the activity of the Minister of Investment of Indonesia / Head of the Investment Coordinating Board Bahlil Lahadalia, S.E., Minister of PUPR RI Ir. Mochamad Basoeki Hadimoeljono, M.Sc., Ph.D., Indonesian Minister of Defense Lt. Gen. TNI (Ret.) H. Prabowo Subianto Djojohadikusumo, Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives Dr. Puan Maharani Nakshatra Kusyala Devi, S.Sos., TNI Commander Marshal TNI Dr. (H.C.) Hadi Tjahjanto S.I.P. National Police Chief General Pol Drs. Listyo Sigit Prabowo, M.Sc., Military Commander XVII/Cenderawasih Major General Ignatius Yogo Triyono, Papua Police Chief Inspector General Mathius D. Fakhiri, S.I.K., Jayapura Regent Mathius Awoitaouw, S.E, M.Sc.

Mr. President of the Republic of Indonesia Ir. H. Joko Widodo on his opportunity said, this activity is very good, so we hope that later this Papua Youth Creative Hub can become a driving force, can become a center for developing great talents in Papua, become a creative center for young Papuan people in strengthening the ecosystem. existing innovations.

This Papua Youth Creative Hub development plan is a follow-up to a meeting with a number of young Papuan youths in September 2019. Then, when inaugurating the Youtefa Bridge in Jayapura City on October 28, 2019, I also appreciated the declaration of the Inspirational Young Papua, including the construction of the Papua Youth Creative Hub.

There are many excellent seeds and excellent talents in the fields of science, arts and culture, as well as in the field of sports and it is a big task for all of us to prepare good management, good talent management, which is organized, and it has been stated earlier that what gathered in Papua Young Inspiration is not only hundreds but already thousands

We hope that by the end of 2022, the institution will be ready and we hope that in a very short time we will actually develop human resources in the Land of Papua, which we love.

I think this is very integrated and we hope that in the future this place will become a foundation for the future of Papua and the future of Indonesia in the future, as well as in starting to build great start-up companies from the Land of Papua. .


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