7 Years of Sea Toll Service Serving 32 Routes, Goods Prices Drop by 50%

The Ministry of Transportation through the Directorate General of Sea Transportation continues to optimize the program for the Implementation of Public Service Obligations for the Transportation of Goods at Sea, aka the Sea Toll.

Since its launch on October 20, 2014, one of the National Strategic Programs has continued to improve and develop, both in terms of routes, number of ports visited, ship carrying capacity, and cargo volume.

Acting Director General of Sea Transportation, Arif Toha said, entering the 7 years running the Sea Toll program has now served 32 routes and operated 32 ships that stopped at 114 ports, including routes for the Provinces of Papua and West Papua.

"The Central Government together with the Regional Government work hand in hand to synergize every stage of the National Transportation System and the National Logistics System," he said in Jakarta, Thursday (21/10/2021).

Arif explained, based on the results of the evaluation in the first semester of 2021, the Sea Toll Program had transported 6,617 TEUs (container units) with the most cargo commodities in the form of cement, rice, and mineral water. The return cargo is 2,542 TEUs with the most cargo commodities in the form of wood, copra, and seaweed with a voyage achievement of 54 percent compared to 2020.

“The performance of the Sea Highway this year is more effective than last year. This can all be realized thanks to the efforts of all Ministries/Agencies, Regional Governments, Technical Organizing Units, and Operators in conducting socialization and providing assistance to the business actors involved," he said.

Based on data from the Ministry of Trade, people in areas that are passed by the Sea Toll Route are currently enjoying a decrease in the price of goods between 20%-50%. The data shows that the Sea Toll Program has succeeded in reducing the price disparity that has ensnared the community, especially in Eastern Indonesia and Disadvantaged, Remote, Outermost, and Border Areas.

Meanwhile, Director of Traffic and Sea Transportation Mugen Sartoto said that the Ministry of Transportation had made innovations and breakthroughs in order to support the national food security program, one of which was by creating new trade patterns from the New Food Center Region (food estate), such as Merauke, to the region. others in Papua, West Papua, and East Nusa Tenggara.

According to him, to realize the food security program, the Ministry of Transportation seeks to accommodate the needs of the community through sea transportation services for goods transportation with fixed and scheduled routes, so that the basic needs and essential goods of the community are available.

"The Sea Toll Program is also expected to increase distribution and maintain the availability of basic necessities, essential goods, and other goods with cheaper logistics delivery costs, thereby reducing price disparities," said Mugen.

Mugen stated that the Ministry of Transportation has implemented multimodal connectivity to accommodate new trade patterns that have emerged by involving 'air bridges' and land transport subsidies. The target is that people in the mountainous areas of Papua can order staples from Surabaya and receive them directly in the mountainous areas of Papua.

Support from the regulatory side is also being pursued. He said, for the sake of smooth logistics distribution, the government issued Presidential Regulation Number 27 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Public Service Obligations for the Transportation of Goods to and from Disadvantaged, Remote, Outermost and Border Regions. The Presidential Regulation supports the optimization of the performance of the Sea Toll Ships at the port and the supervision of goods from the loading port to the hinterland (area around the port).

SOURCE : https://economy.okezone.com/read/2021/10/21/320/2489651/7-tahun-tol-laut-layani-32-trayek-harga-barang-down-to-50?page= 2

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