Boni Hargens: Autonomy is not a problem but a solution to problems

The revision of the Papua Special Autonomy Law (RUU Otsus) is very important. Therefore, the continuation of Otsus Papua is still needed. Because it is one of the efforts to solve the problem in Papua. Especially in improving the welfare of the Papuan Indigenous People.

This was stated by a political observer who graduated from Walden University in the United States, Boni Hargens. According to Boni, Otsus is one of the efforts to solve the problems that exist in Papua. This special autonomy is not a problem, but a solution to the problem.

"What must be questioned is the one who always provokes an independent Papua and always plays the issue of human rights," said Boni in Jakarta, Sunday (29/9).

Boni believes that the implementation of special autonomy is the best way to bring prosperity to the Papuan people.

Therefore, the existence of special autonomy must be supported. This special autonomy is very central to the interests of the development of the Papuan people. And the continuation of Otsus Papua is proof of the government's consistent and sincere commitment in improving the welfare of the Papuan people, especially lifting them out of poverty.

“Therefore, the existence of special autonomy must be supported. And most importantly, the management of the special autonomy budget must be transparent and requires strict law enforcement. Local governments must really uphold the principles of transparency and accountability in the use of the budget. Without fighting corruption, Papua will continue to be poor because of regional elites who have corrupted Otsus funds,” said Boni.

Previously, in line with Boni, the Director General of Regional Autonomy of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Dirjen Otda Kemendagri), Akmal Malik, stated the same thing. Akmal said that the revision of the Papua Special Autonomy Law was very important to encourage the management of Otsus funds to be on target. With the proper management of Otsus funds, it is hoped that the welfare of the indigenous Papuans (OAP).

"With the amendment of Law Number 2 of 2021 concerning Special Autonomy for Papua, it is hoped that policy budget management is right on target. So this will have a positive impact on the lives of indigenous people and Papuans in the future,” said Akmal.

As is known, the House of Representatives (DPR) has ratified the second revision of Law (UU) No. 21 of 2001 concerning Special Autonomy (Otsus) for the Papua Province, in the 23rd plenary session of the V Session of the 2020-2021 Session, Thursday ( 15/7).

Akmal added that the revised Special Autonomy Law clarifies how to manage the Special Autonomy budget in the future. The management of this special autonomy fund must be ensured that it really targets people in villages and districts in Papua.


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