The Free Papua Organization (OPM) usually commemorates its anniversary on July 1. Not only the OPM group, but other groups that usually act on behalf of the TPN/OPM still want Papua to be separated from the State of Indonesia, whether it's done with terror weapons or other forms.

Whereas the OPM group or anything that wants to separate itself from Indonesia is a forbidden group that is contrary to the 4 pillars of the nation, namely Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, Bhineka Tunggal Ika and the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

Ahead of the OPM Anniversary on July 1, Yahya Iba as the Chief of the Tribe in North Manokwari invites the Papuan people, especially the Arfak tribe to reject all forms of activity from any group, including groups that will carry out activities in commemoration of the OPM anniversary. .

According to him, even though there are activities that lead to support for the Papuan Terrorist Separatist Group (KSTP), it can be ascertained that they are carried out by people from outside the North Manokwari area, who deliberately make activities away from the monitoring of the authorities.

Yahya appealed to all Papuan people to maintain the Kamtibmas situation in the Manokwari area and not to be influenced by the invitation of groups who want to divide and threaten the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia.


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