The Klademak village community leader, Paul Aronggear Otsus in Tanah Papua is considered to have had a positive impact on the community, especially indigenous Papuans. This is indicated by the increase in the human development index in Papua, especially in the city of Sorong.

In addition, there are many sectors whose quality continues to improve from year to year, such as the economic, education and health sectors.

"Otsus is a government program that has been running well and has provided great benefits to the Papuan people, such as education and health," said Paul.

Paul also said that Otsus Volume 2 must be continued for the welfare of the Papuan people.

He suggested that the system in the Special Autonomy Law be slightly changed in terms of managing the Special Autonomy Fund. Where Otsus will be more accepted by the community, if the Special Autonomy Fund is distributed directly like the Village Fund.

He hopes that the Papuan people will realize that progress has continued in Papua since the Otsus program was implemented.

"Papua is progressing as it is now because of the Special Autonomy program from the Government," said Paul.


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