Chairman of the Forum for Indigenous Peoples Concerned with Otsus, Yafet Valentinus Wainarisi said that there were no problems in the sustainability of Otsus Volume 2. Yafet assessed that the central government's policy was deemed appropriate.

“If there are MRPB Members who support the action against Otsus Volume 2 carried out by community groups at the MRPB office, that is a big mistake. Let's follow the existing mechanism to provide support for Otsus Volume 2 so that it can be continued for the welfare of the Indigenous Papuans," said Yafet.

Yafet advised that in the appointment of Echelon 2 officials, they must go through a competency test on Otsus material in order to be able to understand and follow the rules of the Special Autonomy Law.

“For power holders in districts, cities and provinces in West Papua, they must understand the Special Autonomy Law. SKPD must work in accordance with their respective tupoksi so that there are no more words from the community that Otsus failed,” said Yafet.

"Work professionally, in accordance with the mandate of the Special Autonomy Law for Papua and West Papua," he added.

Yafet, who is also a member of the MRPB Working Group for Religion, appealed and invited the community to always maintain Kamtibmas and support the government in the sustainability of Otsus.

SOURCE: https://melanesianinfo.com/yafet-valentinus-wainarisi-otsus-lanjut-orang-asli-papua-sejahtera/

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