Implementation of Papua Special Autonomy funds in the health sector

Head of the Jayapura District Health Office, Papua Province, Khairul Lie assessed that the Papua Special Autonomy Fund (Otsus) was very effective. The implementation of the Papua Special Autonomy funds in the health sector receives a budget allocation of 15%.

The allocation of these funds is implemented in basic health services, referrals, disease prevention and eradication, as well as improving community nutrition. In addition, also in the development of environmental health and health services in disaster situations.

“The Papua Special Autonomy Fund on average finances nine to 12 programs covering 21 to 26 activities each year. In 2020, because there is a budget reduction, so that it finances three programs and five activities," said Khairul as in his written statement received by, Sunday (22/11).

He explained that 60% of this program is in the form of air, ground and floating mobile clinic services, as well as specialist mobile services for remote areas in Papua. In addition, there is also a standby village program, as well as a waiting house for people who give birth to stay overnight.

“Difficult terrain, transportation means using helicopters to provide health services. There is another program to send health workers to difficult places and stay for 21 days," he said.

With this special autonomy fund, he continued, the Papuan people can get free medicines such as HIV AIDS, Filariasis, Malaria, Diabetes, Vitamin C and others. In fact, indigenous Papuans receive free health facilities at local health centers and hospitals.

"With all the efforts and programs carried out, Jayapura Regency has received an award as the best health development from the Province," he said proudly.

Therefore, he regrets the reduction in Special Autonomy funds of up to 50% in 2020. Previously, the Special Autonomy fund of Rp. 103 billion only became Rp. 46 billion due to the policy of preparing for the XX National Sports Week (PON XX).

"The original budget was Rp. 103 billion, then in 2020 it will be Rp. 46 billion. The reduction is due to the activities of PON XX. With conditions like this, we can't do anything anymore," complained Khairul.


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