PGGJ Management Supports Firm Law Enforcement Against OPM Terrorists

Manager of the Fellowship of Jayawijaya Churches (PGGJ), Pdt. Joop Suebu, supports strict law enforcement efforts by the Government of Indonesia in dealing with acts of violence committed by TPNPB-OPM. Strict law enforcement is needed to deal with acts of violence carried out by the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) in Papua which are now labeled as KKB terrorists.

He expressed his full support for the actions of the authorities in enforcing the law against the perpetrators of the KKB violence that had caused many victims.

"I personally and on behalf of the Papuan PGGJ Management strongly condemn the recent violence in Papua, which has resulted in the death of both TNI personnel, Polri and civilians," said Pdt. joop.

Rev. Joop Suebu also hopes that real law enforcement actions will not only be carried out against the perpetrators of violent acts. He asked that the security forces can also act fairly to enforce the law against parties who have not been transparent in the management of Papua Special Autonomy funds.

"We hope that law enforcement is carried out comprehensively, not only against acts of violence perpetrated by the KKB, but also to the Regional Government which has not been transparent in the management of Papua Special Autonomy funds," said Pdt. Joop Suebu.

Previously, the government had designated TPNPB-OPM or commonly referred to as the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) in Papua, as KKB Terrorists. This is based on consideration of KST's actions which have carried out massive acts of terror, so that the handling of KST remains within the legal corridor as stipulated in Law no. 5 of 2018.

Based on Law No. 5 of 2018, terrorism is an act that uses violence or threats of violence that creates a widespread atmosphere of terror or fear, which can cause mass casualties, and/or cause damage or destruction to strategic vital objects, the environment, the environment, and the environment. public facilities, or international facilities with ideological, political, or security disturbance motives.

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As is known, many acts of violence in the Land of Papua have occurred, both in the form of destruction to murder. In the period from January to April 2021, KST in Papua has carried out 10 acts of murder and destruction of public facilities in Papua, ranging from killing teachers, students, to motorcycle taxi drivers.

KST was also involved in destroying and burning schools, helicopters belonging to PT. Arsa Air to the house of the chief and teacher in Beoga. This has added to the record of crimes committed by KST in the previous period. In 2020, KST committed 46 acts of violence. In 2018, KST massacred 31 civilian workers who were working on the construction of the Trans Papua road. Even in 2017, KST took 1,300 civilians hostage in Kampung Kimbely and Kampung Banti, Kab. Mimika.

Violence committed by KKB can no longer be tolerated in any form and anywhere, especially with the use of weapons that claimed lives.

Due to these recurring incidents and having gone through various considerations, the Government through the Ministry of Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Kemenkopolhukam), stated that the acts of violence carried out by the KKB in Papua were movements or acts of terrorism, as enshrined in Law No. 5 of 2018.

SOURCE: Hukum-elektron-terhadap-ktsp/

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