24 Papuan students were sent to 3 universities in America

After releasing 30 Papuan Orang Asli (OAP) students in early May 2021, the Papuan Provincial Government (Pemprov) this week again sent 24 OAP students to three well-known universities in America.

The Head of the Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDM) of Papua Province, Aryoko AF Rumaropen, SP, M.Eng, when representing the Governor of Papua, said that these 24 students were scholarship recipients from the Provincial Government through the Papuan Superior Student Program which was funded from the Special Autonomy (Otsus) Papua. For two years, they attended the Papua Language Institute (PLI) Jayapura in partnership with Indonesia Education Partnerships.

"The 24 students who departed this week for America will study at the University of Rhode Island (URI), Johnson and Wales University and Highline College, 22 Papuan students will attend lectures at three universities in the state of Rhode Island, United States of America, namely URI. , Johnson and Wales University and Highline College for undergraduate and postgraduate students as many as 2 people," he said in a release to Cenderawasih Pos, Friday (18/6) yesterday.

His party requested that there be support from the parents of students who were sent to America and various countries abroad and domestically to help the Papua Provincial Government support the learning activities of Papuan children, so that they are able to complete their studies well.

“This Papuan student is an ambassador for the Indonesian nation and an ambassador for Papua. They are the best sons and daughters of Papua from the majority of Papuan children, who have the opportunity to study abroad. Therefore, we hope that they will take advantage of this good opportunity by completing their studies on time,” he asked.

In the same place, the Director of PLI Papua, Samuel Tabuni, SE said he was proud and appreciated the Papua Provincial Government for collaborating with PLI and Indonesia Education Partnerships as well as other educational institutions in fostering and preparing OAP students to study abroad.

According to Samuel, the 22 students who will go and study in Rhode Island, America, have undergone training and preparation for 2 years in Jayapura. They are given special coaching such as mastery of English and academic and scientific improvement, especially mathematics, basic physics and chemistry.

“They are also trained to build character or character building. We hope that with this coaching, OAP students can adapt in America to the culture there and be able to complete their studies on time, so they can return to their homeland to build Indonesia and Papua," he said.

SOURCE: https://www.ceposonline.com/2021/06/20/24-pelajar-papua-di-kirim-ke-3-universitas-di-america/

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