Utilization of digital platforms to support the implementation of PON XX

The National Information and Communication Technology Council (Wantiknas) facilitated a virtual meeting with various parties, Thursday (22/4/2021). The meeting was attended by 10 parties from Wantiknas, Bappenas, the Papua Province Communication and Information Service, Jayapura Regency Kominfo Office, PT Karya Anak Bangsa (Gojek) and PT Google Indonesia.

The virtual meeting discussed the use of digital platforms to support the implementation of the XX / 2021 National Sports Week (PON) in Papua, which was also attended by members of the National ICT Council Implementation Team such as Aswhin Sasongko, Garuda Sugardo and Gerry Firmansyah, then from Bappenas Rachmat Mardiana (Director of Electricity, Telecommunications and Informatics), Andianto Haryoko (Coordinator for the Ecosystem and Use of ICT, Dit KTI Bappenas) and Rizki S. Putera (Coordinator for ICT Infrastructure).

Furthermore, the Head of the Papua Province Communication and Information Agency, Jery A. Yudianto, Plt. Head of Jayapura Regency Kominfo, Gustaf Griapon, ST, Director of Public Policy and Government Relations of PT Karya Anak Bangsa (Gojek) Tricia Iskandar and Lead Public Sector in Indonesia PT Google Indonesia Anne.

On this occasion, Tricia Iskandar from Gojek said that her party is ready to support things that can be collaborated together. Gojek in Papua are in Jayapura, Merauke and Sorong.

“In Jayapura the biggest ones are Goride, Gofood and Gocar. We from Gojek can collaborate with PON XX Papua by introducing various tours, Papuan specialties and holding promotions, "said Tricia in a press release received by online media journalists, Friday (23/4/2021).

In addition, Tricia also conveyed, one of the things that Gojek could hold was for promotion with a campaign for PON XX / 2021 Papua activities.

"The conditions, we have quite a lot of Gocar and we are open to further discussion, regarding how we can support the implementation of the XX PON," he added.

Meanwhile, Anne from PT Google Indonesia said that her party also strongly supports the implementation of PON XX 2021 in Papua with 4.0.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, said Anne, all parties must be able to implement digital transformation at the biggest sporting event in the archipelago.

"The existence of digital actually provides more benefits, because it can reach more audiences. If you want to add this technology to existing applications, we at Google are ready to help, "he said.

In Indonesia, said Anne, Google also has Google YouTube which can be used for looping matches. In addition, Google Map can also be used to show the locations of matches. Likewise with Google Search, you can make efforts when you search for PON, it will automatically appear the first on the right, including details of the program and a link to connect with the application used for the implementation of PON XX.

"Of course, we are ready to help and if there is further discussion of this activity, then we are ready to help," said Anne.

SOURCE: https://www.haloindonesia.co.id/bahas-pemangawai-platform-digital-di-pon-xx-wantiknas-gelar-pertentuk-virtual/

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