Kapolres Nabire admits that traditional leaders play a role in maintaining security and social security

The new Kapolres of Nabire Regency, AKBP Kariawan Barus, visited a number of traditional leaders because he was recognized as having a very important role in helping the police to maintain a conducive security and order.

"This visit is also to establish friendship and build communication to various levels of society," said Kapolres Nabire AKBP Kariawan Barus.

The Chief of Police conducted visits to several traditional leaders in Nabire Regency in the context of gathering and introducing himself.

The activity of the Nabire Police Chief was accompanied by Deputy Head of Nabire Police, Police Commissioner Samuel D. Tatiratu, Kapolsek Nabire City AKP H. Burhanuddin P., Head of Intelligence and Security for AKP Yadang, Kasat Then AKP Lalu Guruh Prawira Negara, and Head of Binmas Iptu A. M. Tatiratu and Nabire Police Officers

The first visit was made to the chief of the Dani tribe Yopi Murib and the second visit to the residence of the Wamena Tribe Chief Piter Huby.

Kapolres Nabire AKBP Kariawan Barus apart from introducing himself as a new resident in Nabire, he also asked for permission to pray for blessing and support in carrying out his duties as Kapolres in Nabire.

AKBP Kariawan Barus acknowledged that the duties and activities of the Nabire Police were inseparable from the support and cooperation between levels of society, including religious leaders, traditional leaders and community leaders in order to create a safe and conducive situation for the Community and Community Protection in Nabire Regency.

By carrying out this gathering activity, he continued, it is hoped that it can foster a sense of public trust in the National Police in maintaining Kamtibmas.

"As well as strengthening the relationship between the police and religious leaders, traditional leaders and community leaders in Nabire," he said.

Meanwhile, the Chief of the Dani tribe, Yobi Murib, welcomed the visit of the Nabire Police Chief AKBP Kariawan Barus with members at his residence.

"Thank you, Chief of Police for visiting our residence. As the head of the Dani tribe, I will always help the security forces to maintain security and order, especially ahead of the local elections in Nabire Regency," said tribal chief Dani Yobi Murib.

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