The government plans to re-expand the Papua region. Apart from being the aspirations of the community, the expansion of the region in Papua is considered important, in order to accelerate development and solutions to distribute welfare.
The expansion of an area is seen as an innovation in order to accelerate development by increasing the quality and ease of obtaining services for the community. The expansion of this area is part of an effort to develop the capacity of local governments in reducing the range of government control so that it is considered to increase the effectiveness of government administration and management of development.
The function of this division of an area is the desire to provide better services to the public, as seen from a limited and measured area of ​​authority. Through this system, it is hoped that the service area will be wider, but still in regional development planning with a more insulated scale. So that public services for local needs will be more available.
In addition, regional expansion will help accelerate economic growth, by improving the framework for regional economic development. Including the absorption of labor on a larger scale can also be categorized as a benefit of this expansion, even with the fiber government sector providing siblings in the government and political fields.
Based on this function, the government approved the plan to expand the region in Bumi Cendrawasih as an initial step to distribute welfare. Therefore, all elements of society are expected to provide support for this breakthrough. According to the opinion of the Chairman of Bakor Cilangkahan, Eri Djuhaeri, his party stated that the expansion of an area would have an impact on reducing poverty and also unemployment.
Regional expansion is one of the important aspects of the implementation of regional autonomy, which is in accordance with the provisions of PP No. 78/2007. Namely, with regard to the expansion of provinces, regencies or cities. The expansion of the region is important to realize because it is an effort to create an effective and efficient government. In addition, it will be able to be effective in order to achieve an accelerated distribution of social welfare
A similar opinion was also expressed by Tito Karbavian, as Minister of Home Affairs. He stated that the plan to expand the Papua region was aimed at accelerating development there. Tito said the division of Papua was one of the aspirations of the people who wanted development evenly in their homeland. In addition, they also want their territory to be safer from crime.
The welfare of the community is also not a matter of one or two things. Because, real prosperity has a fairly complex sequence. If this expansion is the right solution, then there is no reason not to support this program to run immediately. The number of complaints about the lack of welfare felt by the people of Bumi Cendrawasih is considered as a background for President Jokowi to immediately launch the expansion plan.
Thus, the acceleration of regional development through expansion is considered quite effective. Given that the provision of supporting infrastructure will certainly be maximized. So that in the future there will be no more gaps that arise due to uneven wheels of economic growth. In addition, Papua is intended to be "independent" like other regions in Indonesia.
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