Graduates Must Be Ready To Face Future Challenges That Are Increasingly Complex

Preparing alumni to face increasingly complex future challenges, Muhammadiyah University of Sorong held its 14th undergraduate graduation ceremony, held on August 25-27 2020, which was attended by 750 participants from 7 faculties.

Muhammad Ali, Rector of UM Sorong in his remarks advised the graduation participants to become human beings who are ready to face the challenges of the times. Moreover, said Muhammad Ali, today's human opponents in the future are no longer with humans, but with Artificial Intelligence (AI).

"The challenges for your graduation are getting tougher, the industrial revolution 4.0 makes you have to increase your ability to access technology. Because all access to the world of work is through technology, "he said

He also conveyed this message to the campus academic community, where the existence of the campus must also keep up with the rapid progress of the times. So, not only with the improvement of campus facilities and infrastructure which are upgraded, but human resources capacity must also be continuously updated.

Nevertheless, Muhammad Ali also advised not only to pursue achievements and progress in the world, then the campus and the academic community should be separated from their foundations. Marwah or the foundation of UM Sorong's scientific tradition cannot be separated from the foundation and values ??of Al-Islaman and Muhammadiyahan.

"As an alumni of UM Sorong, you must be able to compete in a global order, for that you must continue to learn and develop the knowledge that has been obtained while studying at the UM Sorong campus," he added.

The AIK provision that has been taught during the lecture period is expected to be able to differentiate UM Sorong graduates from other campus graduates. This can be a plus point for alumni in exploring the world of work or in society.

Where in social community relations or reactions that are needed not only academic abilities, but also soft skills that have been built since the time on campus. So, apart from producing intellectual graduates, UM Sorong will also produce intellectuals plus humanists.

It should be noted, after obtaining permission from the Sorong Regional Government, UM Sorong was held at the Vega Hotel, which was held from 25 to 27 August 2020, for 3 days and divided into 3 shifts every day. Where each shift is limited to only 80 people.

Sattu, Chairman of the UM Sorong Graduation Committee, said that the system was an attempt to comply with health protocols. The committee also collaborated with the Sorong City Covid-19 Task Force team. And participants are limited to the families they bring, namely only their mothers and fathers. Apart from that it is not allowed.

"We have also announced to the graduates that only parents can be brought, namely mothers and fathers, others do not need to let alone small children," concluded Sattu.

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