Kodak Kobakma Kodim 1702 Jayawijaya and Sultan together with AKBP Deni Herdiana, Central Mamberamo Police Chief, distributed social assistance (bansos) rice to residents affected by COVID-19 in Kampung Kobakma II, Kobakma District, Central Mamberamo District.
AKBP Police Chief Deni Herdiana said that this assistance was in accordance with the program and the president's instructions that the entire community must live productively and safely from co-19.
"The distribution of this rice aid is directly distributed to the residents, as a form of social service, according to the data we obtained from the local village officials with the aim that the distribution of rice bansos is right on target and does not cause jealousy and / or problems in the community."
"Even though this aid is not of value, it can reduce the burden of life of underprivileged people affected by the corona virus," he continued
The COVID-19 Concern social service movement is a form of TNI / Polri Synergy. Where TNI - Polri came down directly to help residents in difficult times the COVID-19 pandemic.
"We hope that this assistance can help a little in meeting daily needs," he concluded.
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