Vice President (Vice President) Ma'ruf Amin emphasized that strict and fair law enforcement efforts are needed to all individuals who are indicated to practice criminal acts of corruption. "Everyone must be able to obey law enforcement, and that's our commitment as a nation of course to comply with applicable laws in Indonesia," said Vice President Ma'ruf Amin after inaugurating the Indonesian Ulema Council Building in Central Java and the renovation of the Baiturrahman Mosque in Semarang, Friday, September 23, 2022. .
As previously reported, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has named Papuan Governor Lukas Enembe a suspect, but until now the KPK has not been able to present him for examination. Furthermore, Vice President Ma'ruf Amin said, if there is a case or criminal act, every individual who is ensnared must be dealt with according to the legal process in force in Indonesia. "As long as there is clear evidence, I think everyone, anyone can be legally processed," said the vice president.
According to him, of course with clear evidence. "We'll see what the process is like, everything has rules, no exception, anyone," he added. In terms of literacy, the Vice President asked the KPK to become an institution that can provide explanations about various cases that occurred so that the public can obtain complete and transparent information.
“When there is a case, the KPK must be able to explain, prove that there is indeed corruption, in accordance with the law. Yes, of course we support law enforcement efforts to eradicate corruption," said the Vice President. The vice president also emphasized that the government is fully committed to enforcing all forms of corruption cases that have harmed society and the state.
“So, I think it has become the government's commitment. One of our programs is eradicating corruption. In any institution, at any level, if there is clear evidence, in accordance with the rules and regulations, then it must be processed legally," he said.
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