Good News, 388 HH in Inland Yahukimo and Lanny Jaya Papua, Can Feel the Light of the Light

The Directorate General of New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) inaugurated the installation of 388 units of Energy Efficient Solar Lamps (LTSHE) in Yahukimo and Lanny Jaya Regencies, Papua.

The Director of Planning and Infrastructure Development for EBTKE, Hendra Iswahyudi, revealed that the distribution and installation of LTSHE in the two districts has been completed 100 percent so that the LTSHE lights can be enjoyed by the community.
"One of the areas where LTSHE will be installed in 2021 is Lanny Jaya Regency and Yahukimo Regency, with a total number of 388 units that have been installed. This LTSHE is a pre-electrification program before the PLN network will enter. In the future, centralized solar power plants can also be built or through the use of other NRE sources," said Hendra in a written statement quoted on Sunday, February 27.

Furthermore, Hendra said that the Government continues to strive so that the use of the APBN can be felt directly by the people. For the outermost and foremost areas, the government's focus is to continue to provide energy access by utilizing the potential of local energy sources.

Meanwhile, Member of Commission VII DPR RI, Ina Elisabeth Kobak, said that the LTSHE information assistance was very beneficial for the people of Lanny Jaya and Yahukimo. According to him, access to electric lighting has given residents hope for a better welfare.
"I am happy because today 388 heads of families (KK) in two regencies, Lanny Jaya and Yahukimo can feel the light of the lamp. I am touched to see my parents, my brother, my sister in the village there can feel the light and can do activities at night," said Ina.

The same thing was conveyed by the Regent of Lanny Jaya, Befa Yigibalom, who on this occasion was represented by the Head of the ESDM Section, Michael Alom. His party also expressed his appreciation for the assistance in installing LTSHE to the community in their area.
"Thanks to the President and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, especially the Directorate General of EBTKE for installing LTSHE. This is an extraordinary program that has a direct impact on the people in our village. Thank you for giving light to the children in our village so they can study at night," he said. .

The inauguration of the LTSHE installation is part of the program to install 1,095 LTSHE units for the 2021 fiscal year spread across 4 provinces and 8 regencies and carried out according to the aspirations of the members of Commission VII DPR-RI.

The pre-electrification program through LTSHE has been implemented by the government through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources since 2017 with a total installation of 363,220 units in 4,061 villages throughout Indonesia.

The LTSHE lamps that are distributed have several advantages, namely they are easy to install (plug and play), the lamps use LEDs so that they are brighter. In addition, the LTSHE lamp can also be used as a flashlight, automatically adjusts the LED light, and lasts for a long time, and can be used as a cellphone charger.


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