The Papuan People Will Lead Their Own Territory in the Expansion Province

The policy of the expansion of the New Autonomous Region (DOB) of Papua which was passed some time ago has become a big hope, especially for the people or the Papuan Orang Asli (OAP). The vast territory of Papua, consisting of only two provinces, has several obstacles in the range of control, distance, services, and infrastructure that make it difficult for the community.

Through the momentum of the addition of three new provinces, it is certain that arrangements and services will become easier and bring people closer to managing various matters relating to government, the economy and other fields.

Regional Expansion Pays Attention to Changes in Papuan Society

The preparation process for the realization of the division of the province which is currently being reviewed by the DPR and the government is a big hope for OAP for the realization of regional progress, of course also the progress of human resources that have been entrusted by the DPR which will mostly be filled by the Papuan people to fill government formations in the new province. .

More broadly, the problem of pemekaran is not only about the span of control between the local government and the people. But also changes to the Papuan community or indigenous peoples in their contribution to regional expansion. In a sense, do not let the division of territory is not in accordance with the culture of Papua. Referring to the Special Autonomy Law (Otsus) it is stated that the rights of the Papuan people are more considered, including in the implementation of customary law and other cultures. So that when there is an expansion of territory, it is certain that there will be positive changes for the Papuan people, especially in customary areas.

Based on the law, Papuan indigenous peoples are given special rights in developing their territory. It has been determined that leaders such as the Governor, Deputy Governor, Mayor, Regent, and Deputy are native Papuan sons, so that if there is a new province, the governor will automatically be new and must be Papuan. It is a shared hope that these office holders will bring positive changes to the Papuan people, as the natives of the land of Papua so that they understand how to lead their citizens by taking a cultural and familial approach.

Indigenous people are also given the opportunity to participate in developing Papua. Development is not only in terms of physical alias construction of buildings and other facilities. But also human resource development. Indigenous people are given the opportunity to go to school, including Papuan children who have been given the Otsus scholarship, so that they can go to high school. In addition, if there is a new province, there will automatically be a new school, making it easier for students to study. Meanwhile, the youth can be taught skills so that they are able to open their own businesses and reduce the number of unemployed.

Indigenous Papuans Will Rise To Lead Their Own Territory

A message from a German pastor who has been assigned to Wondama since 1925, named Reverend Izaac Samuel Kijne. On his way, he was transferred from the Mansinam archipelago where the first Gospel entered. Since then Wasior is widely known for his role in establishing churches and zending schools. It was in this place that Papuan children and adults began to be taught about the gospel and the ethics of living as Christians.

One of his best known works to date in Wondama is the Stone of Civilization. On the stone is inscribed the contents of the beginning of the Civilization of the Papuan Nation. “On this rock, I put the Civilization of the Papuan People. Even if people have high intelligence, reason and wisdom but cannot lead this nation, this nation will rise up and lead itself”. (Wasior, October 25, 1925).

The content of this message from the Father of Papuan Civilization has the meaning that one day Papuans will emerge as leaders on their own ancestral land, even though there are many people with various backgrounds who come from various regions. Now many events that have been and are happening according to the contents of the writings on the stone of civilization. In particular, it is very visible in terms of the leadership system in various aspects of current development in Papua.

One of the momentum for this change was initiated by the existence of the Special Autonomy Law, where the rights of indigenous Papuans were accommodated. The existence of the expansion policy which is a derivative of Otsus also places the position of officials in the ranks of the bureaucracy from the district level to the governor occupied by OAP. It doesn't stop there, now there are also many who are and have served as leaders in various fields outside Papua. Some Papuan youths have even had careers at the international level.

Again, the Father of Papuan Education also left important notes for life in Papua which are addressed to all those who want to work on the earth of paradise. The message contains: "Whoever works in this land faithfully, honestly and listening , then he will walk from one sign of wonder to another sign of wonder." (Rev. IS Kijne, 1947.)

The message contains a suggestion that whoever works faithfully and honestly, he will witness and experience divine miracles from the Creator. This will certainly be experienced by them beyond ordinary human expectations. As according to the law of sowing and reaping. In principle, whatever is planted, it will also be harvested by them.

Thus, there are clearly two messages and hopes from Pdt. ISKijne for life in the Land of Papua. The first message is more specific and contains the beliefs and life expectancy of OAP on their own ancestral land. Meanwhile, the second message is more universal in nature, containing the recommendations and consequences of the lifestyle of anyone who will work in Papua without exception.

A Number of Beliefs in Regional Expansion for the Welfare of the Papuan People

The hope of accelerating the progress and development of Papua through the expansion policy does not only come from the government and the DPR, as well as the Papuan people in particular. In the academic field, a lecturer from Al-Azhar University Indonesia (UAI), Ujang Komarudin mentioned five important points that support the formation of Papua New Guinea for the welfare of society. In realizing this, the support of a number of parties is needed.

First, it is important to have regional leaders and bureaucracies who are passionate about serving the community and are serious about building the new provincial autonomous regions. Second, the local government that is formed later must really be able to realize development and have an anti-corruption spirit. Including being able to coordinate well with the central government. Third, the need for a stable public order and security situation. This is important so that all efforts to accelerate the welfare of the community can be realized according to the plan. Fourth, the support of all parties, including the community, is needed for the three provinces that have just been formed into new autonomous regions. And Fifth, suggesting that the three new provinces should not rush to hold their first democratic party or general election (election). The momentum for regional head elections (pilkada) and legislative elections (pileg) will only be carried out if the expansion areas are really ready and the Election Law has been revised.

The most important thing at the beginning of the new DOB government is that the government must run in a stable manner. Thus, minimizing various development constraints in the three new provinces.

Previously, based on the statement of the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani. three new provinces, namely South Papua, Central Papua, and Papua Mountains, will certainly be able to take part in the 2024 elections. The government will prepare a special budget for this. A special budget is needed because the existing Papua provincial budget is not enough if it has to be divided into 3 more provinces.


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