At the age of 55, PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) held a birthday celebration in three work locations, namely Tembagapura, Kuala Kencana and Jakarta, Thursday (7/4). Carrying the theme 'Dedication to the Nation', this theme reflects the commitment to provide the best from 'Our Home', which was built with the values of SINCERE (Safety, Integrity, Commitment, Respect, and Excellence).
PTFI President Director Tony Wenas explained that PTFI's presence in 1967 marked the start of the first foreign investment in the New Order era. During its 55 years of operation, PT Freeport Indonesia has faced various challenges and achievements starting from the era of the Contract of Work I for the management of the Erstberg mine, and the discovery of ore reserves in Grasberg. PTFI also synergizes with the Government of Indonesia marked by the issuance of a Special Mining Business Permit (IUPK).
In the midst of the pandemic, said Tony, PTFI can still continue to produce and achieve the target according to the plan so that it continues to contribute to the country and Papua's economic growth. One of them, when the national economy experienced a decline in the second half of 2020, Papua's economy grew by 29% from the mining sector.
"With the slogan, continue to grow and develop with the community, especially with the 51.2% share ownership by the government represented by Inalum at that time, became the best synergy, the most concrete example of a public-private partnership so that we managed to process and manage natural resources. our minerals for a better future. This can not be separated from achieving a production ramp-up of up to 100% and also contributing more to the nation and state," Tony said in a written statement, Saturday (9/4/2022).
Meanwhile, the President Director of PTFI, Hendi Prio Santoso, appreciated the achievements of PTFI which has become a pioneer in the development and operation of the largest block caving underground mine in the world. Moreover, this mine is also a reference for other global mines.
"PTFI has entered a new chapter in strengthening its commitment to dedication for the country by developing a new smelter capacity in the country which God willing will operate in 2024. Our appreciation, gratitude and pride for the contribution and participation of the PTFI extended family who have become an important part of the achievement of Mind ID for the contribution of the state and nation," said Hendi.
On the other hand, the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, who was present virtually appreciated all PTFI employees who have contributed to processing and managing Indonesia's mineral resources. According to him, this dedication provides great benefits for the prosperity of the people, and contributes to the future of Indonesia.
"PTFI must take part in the nation's transformation, accelerating the downstreaming of our mining products while maintaining environmental sustainability in a sustainable manner so as to provide higher added value for improving the welfare of the Indonesian people," said Jokowi.
In line with Jokowi, the Minister of SOEs, Erick Thohir also appreciated the role and contribution of PTFI to the Indonesian economy, especially Papua. He considered PTFI to be a company that supports sustainability and advances the welfare of the Papuan people, especially in developing education for Papuan children.
"PTFI's capability in managing large-scale and high-yield underground mining projects in the mineral area of Papua province has become a home for the best people throughout Indonesia. I advise PTFI to continue its good performance, as well as the transformation and innovation programs that have been carried out, all PTFI personnel also maintain the spirit of togetherness in overcoming challenges and adapting to the current business disruption, especially in welcoming the latest technology in the mining sector, namely the first 5G Mining in Southeast Asia and continuing to play a strategic role as a catalyst for Indonesia's economic growth to realize Indonesia's golden ideals in Southeast Asia. in 2045," concluded Erick.
For information, this celebration event featured a musical drama of the company's history which involved 75 PTFI employees and the community involved. They were trained by the choreographer, Agus Noor and his team. Several artists were also invited to enliven this event, including Andrea Lee, Sandhy Sondoro, Socha Band, Iyan Yosua, and Sonya Bara.
The celebrations started the morning with a small concert by Sandhy Sondoro at the Underground Mine, which set a MURI record for musical performances at the deepest location, 1,220 m below ground level. The event was continued with the peak of the event in the afternoon.
SOURCE: Ekonomi-bisnis/d-6024902/ini-deretan-pencepatan-freeport-bagi-percepat-economy-papua
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