Approve the Papua New Guinea Bill, Regent Mathius Appreciates Baleg DPR RI

The Regent of Jayapura, Mathius Awoitauw, expressed his appreciation to the Legislative Body (Baleg) of the DPR RI for approving the Draft Law (RUU) on the provinces of South Papua, Central Papua and Central Highlands Papua.

“We are grateful because what we hoped for had been approved, three new autonomous regions. That means for the future of Papua. If it's smooth, it's not very interesting," said regent Mathius Awoitauw, Friday (8/4).

He admitted that the new autonomous region of Papua has become a polemic, because there are pros and cons among the Papuan people. But according to him it is normal and reasonable. "Because towards something good there must be debate, there must be pros and cons, that's important," he said.

He explained that the birth of the Special Autonomy Law actually protects and guarantees any provinces that are formed. But the most important thing is, the birth of the Special Autonomy Law that the papal spirit must be maintained.

"We have to be united there. This is only the administrative boundary, the government, he does not change the spirit to Papuaan. Moreover, we are talking about the rights of indigenous peoples," he said.

For this reason, the Papuan spirit must be maintained in the new autonomous region. Starting from Animha, Lapago, Meepago, Saireri and Tabi. "Because the law has limited and provided space to be managed as well as possible," he said.

Regent Mathius said that the government was trying to expand the new autonomous regions to accelerate and equitable development in Papua. The large area of Papua is one of the major obstacles to accelerating the progress of the government's development. The expansion of the new autonomous regions will be able to have a major impact on the economic empowerment of the people in Papua.
As is known, the Legislative Council of the Republic of Indonesia previously approved the Draft Law (RUU) on the Province of South Papua, Central Papua Province and the Province of Papua Central Mountains. This happened in a plenary meeting of decision-making on the results of the harmonization of the Bill on the Province in Papua which was held at the Baleg DPR, Wednesday (6/4).


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