PAPUA is getting more advanced thanks to Otsus

Referring to Law No. 21/2001, that the spirit in determining the status of Special Autonomy (Otsus) is the granting of the broadest authority to local governments to formulate, formulate, and design development strategies needed by local communities so that their rights are protected. Twenty years since the regulation was passed, there are still obstacles in the implementation process to the sustainability of the policy by several factors that need to be evaluated together.

These factors include the existence of separatist groups who are trying to influence public opinion to reject the special autonomy policy, as well as the issue of misappropriation of Papua Special Autonomy funds which are indicated to flow to the Separatist and Terrorist Groups (KST) in Papua.

In general, it must be acknowledged that the special autonomy policy still has gaps and shortcomings that need to be evaluated so that it does not deviate from its original purpose. All parties involved need to sit down together so that the things mandated by the state are not missed. A number of parties have begun to voice their aspirations for the support for the sustainability of Special Autonomy because it is considered a solution to accelerate development in various fields.

Ondoafi Yoka Village, Tifus Giving, on behalf of all ondoafi in Port Numbay, Jayapura City, asked for Otsus to continue. Papuan church leader, Rev. Yohanes Wenda voiced that Otsus should continue but be arranged in such a way so that it can be more targeted and enjoyed directly by indigenous Papuans. Then, the traditional leader of the central highlands community in Jayapura City, Sem Kogoya hopes that in the future the management of Otsus funds will be more transparent, on target.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Mandala Trikora Youth of Papua Province, Ali Kabiai stated that in general Otsus has a good impact on development in Papua as an effort to accelerate acceleration in Papua. However, his party asked the central government to conduct an evaluation so that later it can be more optimal in responding to development problems in Papua, so that there is no more turmoil in society.

In the end, Otsus funds and development in Papua and West Papua must harmonize human resource development, physical development and infrastructure development. The Papua Special Autonomy Policy is a meeting point, a middle way to strengthen Papuan integration as well as a bridge to pursue peace and build prosperity in Papua so that it is able to align with other developing regions.


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