Port of Papua Economy New Hope Depapre

The government and the people of Puncak Jaya Regency, Papua appreciate President Joko Widodo, the Governor of Papua, Lukas Enembe, SIP.MH and the Regent of Jayapura Regency, Mathias Awoitauw, SE.M.Si for their breakthrough in opening Depapre Port as a container port serving the Papua sea highway route. .

"We give our appreciation to the President Jokowi, the Governor of Enembe and the Regent of Jayapura Mathias Awoitauw who opened the Depapre port. This is a step forward, ”said Puncak Jaya Deputy Regent (Wabup), Deinas Geley, S.Sos.M.Si to the press, Monday morning (1/2/2021) in Jayapura.

Vice Regent Deinas admitted that he was very proud because this breakthrough would have a positive impact on the government and people in the highlands of Papua. Prices of goods and commodities, which have been expensive so far, will decline.

"This is a good hope for the Papuan economy and a step forward to reduce the prices of goods in the highlands of Papua, which are still expensive. I am optimistic that we in Puncak Jaya will feel the impact of operating the Depapre port, "he said.

He gave an example that the price of rice could certainly decline, because the distribution of rice from Merauke was no longer sent to Java but was sent directly to Jayapura and then flown to the mountains of Papua.

"When I was the general director of the Regional Company (PD) Irian Bhakti, we had already planned to buy rice from Merauke directly sent to Jayapura and then distributed to the districts of the Papuan Mountains. However, at that time constrained. Now with the sea toll through Depapre Port, the plan can be realized, "he said.

The Deputy Regent who spends his time greeting the people in the villages and is one of the best leaders in Papua is optimistic that the strategic programs spearheaded by President Joko Widodo and Governor Lukas Enembe for the welfare of Indigenous Papuans (OAP) can be realized if all elements of society are united and working together to build Cenderawasih Earth.

"We are always with the people and continue to work to meet their needs. I am optimistic about the program, Mr. President Jokowi and Mr. Governor Lukas Enembe, to answer the problem of poverty in Papua, "he said.

Depapre Port officially operates as a container port and serves sea highway routes. The inauguration was marked by the berth of the marine toll ship Logistik Nusantara (Lognus) 2, which was operated by PT Pelni.

The port, which is located in Depapre District, Jayapura Regency, Papua Province, serves a new route or route T-9 covering Merauke Regency - Kokas - Sorong - Supiori - Depapre Jayapura Regency (round trip).

The port inauguration was carried out by Jayapura Regent Mathius Awoitauw, SE., M.Si, accompanied by expert staff from the minister of transportation, Dr. Cris Kuntadi, Assistant II for the Economy and People's Welfare of Papua Province, Muhammad Musa'ad and other officials.

Source: https://www.papuapos.com/daerah/tol-laut-depapre-harapan-baru-ekonomi-papua/

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