The government seeks to implement a dynamic defensive strategy in order to create security stability. With this security stability, Papuan prosperity is expected to be realized soon.
Papua is an eastern region that requires special attention, that's why there is a Special Autonomy (Otsus) policy there. However, the conflict in Papua seems to be news that never ends, so a humanist and defensive approach is needed so that the community sympathizes with the government.
The humanist approach is considered capable of attracting public sympathy, so that this will facilitate the process of approaching security for the Papuan people. In addition, this approach also has a perspective that can build an atmosphere of peace and intimacy in Papua.
Of course, welfare will be difficult to achieve if Papua is still surrounded by social conflicts, one of which is a conflict caused by terrorist separatist groups who do not hesitate to destroy state-owned facilities in Papua.
Commissioner General of Police. Dr. Boy Rafli Amar, MH as Head of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) explained that the central and regional governments prioritize a soft approach, namely through welfare development and community character building in Papua. This has been regulated in the Terrorism Law which was signed in 2018.
Previously, Ma'ruf Amin as the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia said that the government would handle it as well as possible in accordance with the constitutional function that represents the presence of the state which has been handled very well.
For this reason, Ma'ruf gave direction to the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) to be able to lead coordination with the TNI Commander, National Police Chief and Head of BIN so that acts of violence in Papua can be handled properly in the short, medium and long term.
Regarding the legal basis, Ma'ruf said the government had issued a solid basis for the implementation of the acceleration program in Papua. The regulation is contained in Presidential Instruction Number 9 of 2020 concerning the acceleration of welfare development in Papua and West Papua Provinces, Presidential Decree Number 20 of 2020 concerning the Integrated Coordination Team for the acceleration of welfare development in Papua and West Papua Provinces, and Law Number 2 of 2020. 2021 regarding the second amendment to Law Number 21 of 2001 concerning special autonomy for the Papua Province.
Ma'ruf appealed for the implementation of the policy to be aligned with the aspirations of various elements of society in Papua. So the impact can be felt as a whole.
On a different occasion, Vice President Ma'ruf Amin also emphasized the importance of implementing a dynamic defensive security strategy that follows developments in the field. Ma'ruf said security in Papua was not carried out in an offensive manner so that there would not be many victims in Papua.
Previously, the spokesman for Vice President Masduki Baidowi said that there were many special breakthroughs made by the government for the Papuan team led by Ma'ruf Amin. Masduki once said that the people of Papua and West Papua want to be prosperous through education and human resources (HR).
Of course, a humanist approach is needed, so that the Papuan people feel safe in their education. A humanist approach can also be done by involving Papuan Papuans in government programs, so that the Papuan people will increasingly feel part of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia.
Previously, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD emphasized that the approach in Papua is comprehensive and synergistic welfare development. This means that in Papua the approach is not weapons but welfare.
He explained that the principles of the new approach to handling Papua had been stated in Presidential Instruction No. 9 of 2020 and followed by Presidential Decree No. 20 of 2020. The two regulations explicitly state that the approach to welfare in Papua in essence must be comprehensive and synergistic.
Synergy means that relevant ministries and institutions must work together. Instead of doing development on their own. So that the output appears products that blend with each other. Not only that, Mahfud also explained that the technical approach to security in Papua would be a territorial operation. Not a combat operation.
We need to know that armed conflict involving the TNI-Polri and KST not only caused casualties from both parties to the conflict, but civilians were also affected by this conflict.
Of course security is the foundation for creating prosperity in Papua. If Papua becomes a safe area, it is not impossible that the welfare of the people in Papua will increase significantly.
SOURCE: approach-defensif-dinamis-ciptakan-papua-sejahtera
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