The Papuan provincial government held a farmer's market and Ramadhan bazaar in downtown Jayapura, Thursday (28/04/2022).
This activity is the support of the Papua Provincial Government for the efforts of the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) in ensuring the need for basic food before the upcoming Eid.
The Head of the Papua Province Agriculture Service, Semuel Siriwa, said that all the products sold were local farmers' products, such as red chili, rice, corn, fruits and various other horticultural products such as vegetables and sago.
"This is a form of our support (Papua Provincial Government) to the Ministry of Agriculture in seeking food availability ahead of Eid al-Fitr," Samuel said, Thursday afternoon.
Samuel explained, there are as many as 15 MSMEs involved in the Papuan farmer's market. They are mostly from big companies and also local entrepreneurs. The plan, this activity will be open for 2 days until Friday (29/04).
"We also involve distributors of rice, sugar and other commodities. We want the Papuan people to remain calm because all food needs are still available properly," he said.
With the Papuan farmer's market, Samuel ensures that all basic needs are safe. There is no shortage or scarcity. It's just that he said, Papua still has a few obstacles to the need for cooking oil.
"We make sure the availability of basic ingredients in Papua is in a safe condition," he said.
Previously, Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo (Mentan SYL) ordered all levels of echelon 1 and 2 to directly monitor food developments in 34 provinces of Indonesia.
According to the Minister of Agriculture, this monitoring is President Jokowi's directive so that basic needs are still available properly.
"Until today, we continue to move and we make sure the food needs are in sufficient condition," he said.
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