Disperindakop and MSMEs in Papua target to develop 10,000 MSMEs by 2023

The Papua Ministry of Industry, Trade, Cooperatives and MSMEs targets to foster 10,000 micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) by 2023.
"Indeed, we are targeting 10,000 MSMEs in Papua by 2023," said the Head of Industry and Cooperatives and MSMEs, Omah Laduane, to Antara, Tuesday in Jayapura.
Currently, coaching for MSMEs is more on assistance, while business assistance is no longer providing it.
Funding assistance is provided through banks by providing assistance ranging from interest-free to low-interest.
"The Papuan Provincial Government through Disperindakop and MSMEs is trying to provide guidance and assistance so that their business can develop," said Laduane.
Meanwhile, Jayapura Mayor Benhur Tomi Mano will separately continue to develop MSMEs through the City Disperindakop.
Coaching is carried out so that the business that the community is doing develops well.
Meanwhile, one of the MSME entrepreneurs, Petronela, is grateful because he is often invited by the Jayapura City Disperindakop to participate in training to improve skills.
"Many new things were taught and allowed us to continue to innovate," said Petronela, who sells various handicrafts such as noken bags, headbands and door or window curtains.

SOURCE : https://www.antaranews.com/berita/2817145/disperindakop-dan-umkm-papua-targetkan-bina-10000-umkm-to-2023

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