Create Job Opportunities Jayapura City Manpower Office Holds Driving Course

Deputy Mayor of Jayapura, Rustan Saru told reporters at Nokenlive that the driving training carried out by the Jayapura City Manpower Service for Papuan children had a positive impact on the creation of new jobs, in order to reduce unemployment in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"This program is very positive, especially in the midst of a pandemic when many are laid off and unemployed, especially for Indigenous Papuan children in Jayapura, they can participate," he concluded to reporters at when met at the opening of the activity.
Furthermore, said Rustan Saru, currently the number of applicants or job seekers recorded at the Jayapura City Manpower Service is 10,566 people and nearly 500 hundred people are Papuan native sons and daughters or about six percent.

Meanwhile, the number of participants taking the course is 20 Papuan natives and will receive a certificate of competence as well as a free driver's license after completing the course.

"So the driving training participants are Papuan children who come from Five Districts in Jayapura City, with twenty working days of driving skills training," said Djoni Naa on the sidelines of the activity.

He added that budget resources to support empowerment programs and activities for Papuan children, both Driving Training, Security Guard Training, Hair Cutting Training, and Makeup, all of which were financed from the General Allocation Fund (DAU) of the Jayapura City Manpower Service in 2022 amounting to Seven Hundred Million. Rupiah (700,000,-).


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