KKB is getting bolder , now they are Threatening Shoot Governors and Regents in Papua

After shoot dead TNI members , Group Criminal Armed Forces (KKB) Papua is back in action . This time , they threaten regents and governors in Papua if plan the division of Papua into eight .

Threat the expressed by interpreter talk Soldier National Liberation of West Papua - Free Papua Organization (TPNPB-OPM), Sebby Sembom , Friday (11/2/2022).

"This so attention special TPNPB-OPM headquarters , Papua need Jakarta-style expansion ," explained Sebby via email description official .
His side want a dialogue with _ mediated with the United Nations and firmly reject expansion .

according to he , thing that is intention wicked from the Indonesian government towards Papua.

Previously , the Central Government considered for do expansion province in Papua.

According to the Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian , pemekaran the will set in the Bill Invite who will start discussed 2022 .

Threatening Regent Paniai

Previously , the Papuan KKB also made a threat to Regent Paniai .

Sebby Sembom mention , the members not will shy attack the territory if warning ignored .

"We warn Regent Paniai for reject development in Indonesia," said Sebby Sambom .

"Papuans don't need development from Indonesia, they only ask for right for determine fate alone by independent ," he added .

Not only threaten Regent Paniai , KKB Papua also warned about contact shoot possible _ return happen .
They again, again ask Indonesian government for interesting troops military from Papua.

Sebby said , party not will shy threaten weapon for against the TNI -Polri .

"We are ready against the TNI -Polri who arrived in the Regency area Paniai , " said Sebby Sambom .

SOURCE: https://makassar.tribunnews.com/2022/02/12/kkb-makin-berani-kini-they-ancam-tembak-gubernur-dan-bupati-di-papua

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