Ahead of the 50th Anniversary, Basarnas Shares Love

The Jayapura Basarnas again carried out social activities by visiting orphanages and Islamic boarding schools. This includes visiting the community and providing loving aid in the form of food to a number of people on Jalan Pasar Baru Sentani, Jayapura Regency, Friday (12/2) yesterday.
Head of Basarnas in Jayapura Sunarto, said the social action carried out by his party was to provide moral support and motivate the residents of the orphanage and also the Islamic boarding school.

"Maybe the value is not much but it is a form of our attention to people who really need it," he said.

His party also carried out a blessing Friday activity by distributing free food to mothers in Pasar Baru Sentani.

Through social activities like that, his party asks for support and prayers from all the people in Papua to continue to give encouragement and prayers so that on his 50th birthday he can continue to take part in serving people who need assistance in accordance with the main tasks of Basarnas.
"We hope that the prayers and support from all the people in Papua will continue to motivate us so that at the age of 50 we can continue to have a high and high spirit of service to the Papuan people, as well as the personnel of this Basarnas. continue to be given health," he added.

SOURCE: https://www.ceposonline.com/2022/02/12/jelang-hut-ke-50-basarnas-berbagi-kasih/

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