The War Between Tribes in Wamena Broke, Unexpectedly This was Done by the Armed Forces of the Army

Since January 9, two tribes in Wamena, Papua, have been involved in a war that leads to things that are not desirable. Quickly, the Indonesian Army immediately acted and took the right steps.

Yes, the TNI from Kodim 1702/Jayawijaya and Infantry Battalion 756/WMS together with Forkopimda Lapago from Jayawijaya, Lanny Jaya and Nduga Districts facilitated the peace process for the conflict that occurred between two community groups from the Nduga Tribe and the Lanny Jaya Tribe.

The Peace Activities were held at the Makodim 1702/Jayawijaya Apple Field, Wamena District, Jayawijaya Regency, Saturday (15/1).

The peace that was carried out was marked by the signing of a statement of peace by each community representative from the Lanny Jaya Tribe and the Nduga Tribe.
In addition, the signing of a statement letter from the Lapago Regional Government and the Lapago Peace Monument to jointly commit to maintaining peace in the Lapago Central Mountains region.

The Regent of Jayawijaya Regency, Richard Banua, expressed his gratitude to all parties who have tried and played a role in this peace activity, as well as to the Regents of the Lapago region who were able to attend and sit together to be able to resolve this problem as a form of joint commitment in maintaining peace in the Land. Papuans.

"All problems between the two community groups have been resolved and from now on there will be no more tribal wars in Wamena. He hopes that the things that have been agreed on today can be guided and implemented so that there will be no new problems in the future," So said Dandim 1702/Jayawijaya Lt. Col. Inf. Arif Budi Situmeang quoted from the Dispenad release today.

Danrem 172/PWY Brigadier General Izak Pangemanan explained that efforts to reconcile the Nduga Tribe and the Lanny Jaya Tribe who have been involved in tribal wars since January 9, 2022, are guided by the instructions of the XVII/Cenderawasih Military Commander Major General TNI Ignatius Yogo Triyono, where this peace is carried out by prioritizing Territorial Development and Social Communication by involving the Regional Government, traditional leaders, religious leaders and youth leaders from the two disputing tribes. Various dynamics that occurred during the process towards peace were resolved with a humanist approach.

Danrem 172/PWY hopes that this peace will be a sign of the end of the conflict, especially between ethnic groups in the Lapago area, because the horizontal conflict that occurred some time ago only had a negative impact on all levels of society.
In the process from the beginning of the incident until the peace was signed, Danrem 172/PWY deployed 2 Company Level Units (SSK), namely from Kodim 1702/JWY and Infantry Battalion 756/WMS.


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