After Welcoming 2021-2022, Papuan MSMEs are Expected to Continue to Grow

The Office of Industry, Trade, Cooperatives, SMEs and Papuan Manpower held a welcoming ceremony for 2021-2022 in the office yard, Friday, January 14, 2022.

Head of the Industry, Trade, Cooperatives, UKM and Manpower Office of Papua Province, Omah Laduani Ladamay hopes that this welcome will be a new spirit and increase employee cohesiveness at work, so that Papuan SMEs can continue to develop.
"With this welcome event, it is the beginning for us to prepare ourselves to revive the economy in the midst of a pandemic so that it becomes a new spirit at the beginning of this year," said Omah Laduani Ladamay after the activity.
Meanwhile, Assistant for the Economy and Welfare of the Papua Regional Secretariat, Muhammad Musa'ad, appreciated the welcome. According to him, this activity can give new spirit and maintain cohesiveness in the institution.

"We convey several things, including this activity, it gives us confidence and confidence that we will be better than next year," he said.

Improve Performance and Compactness
Musa'ad hopes that the Department of Industry, Trade, Cooperatives, SMEs and Manpower will continue to improve performance, cohesiveness and productivity. "Indeed, in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, the challenges are still high, so the collaboration between the SKPD Perindakop and the Manpower Office is an important thing, especially one of the programs being developed," said Musa'ad.
One of them, continued Musa'ad, is that the MSME program, especially for indigenous Papuan children, can continue to be improved with the collaboration that has been starting to grow.

"This is a tradition built by friends from the Perindakop Service because in this meeting, apart from reflecting on what we have done, we also provide an agenda that we must do, of course with the various challenges we face," he said.


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