Promote Papuan Culture, Jhon Gobay: Prepare Tour Packages for All Papua Cultural Festivals

The DPR Papua special group (Poksus) hopes that there will be coordination with the Government to organize the Papua Tour by setting the agenda for all festival events.

Chairman of the Papuan DPR Poksus Jhon Gobay said his party requested that there be coordination governing the existence of the Papua Tour.
"We should coordinate with each other, to organize the Papua Tour in a way, all festival events in Papua are arranged in one period or made a schedule so that it can become a tour package called the Papua Tour," said Jhon to, Monday (31/1/ 2022).
He said, this can be realized by arranging all things properly. And regularly.

"What is meant by a Papua tour is like, starting with the Port Numbai Festival, this Sunday, then the following week the Lake Sentani Festival," he said.

he said, everything was organized next, the Balimem Valley Festival, continued the Asmat Cultural Festival, then the Kamoro and Amungme Festivals, and the Mee and Moni Festivals.
Not only that, there is also the next Saireri Festival and then the closed Raja Ampat Festival.


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