Kasad Leads Funeral for Sertu Rizal, Victim of KKB Shooting at Bandung City TMP Kasad Leads Funeral for Sertu Rizal, Victim of KKB Shooting at Bandung City TMP

Army Chief of Staff Gen. Dudung Abdurachman led the funeral ceremony for TNI AD soldier, Posthumous Sergeant Rizal Maulana Arifin (24) who died in a gun battle with the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) in Puncak Regency, Papua.

Sertu Rizal was one of three TNI soldiers who died due to gunfire. Sertu Rizal was buried with a military ceremony at the Cikutra Heroes Cemetery (TMP), Bandung City, West Java, Saturday.

"This is carried out as a tribute to the state and the TNI for the services and dharma of devotion to the deceased during his lifetime," said Dudung when he was the inspector of Sertu Rizal's funeral.

Sertu Rizal's body arrived at the funeral home in Dayeuhkolot District, Bandung Regency, West Java, on Friday (28/1) night after being flown from Papua.

Then Sertu Rizal's body was dispatched from the funeral home until it arrived at Cikutra TMP at around 09.30 WIB. After a number of processions passed, Sertu Rizal's body was buried at around 10.00 WIB. With the death of Sertu Rizal and two other soldiers, General Dudung conveyed his deep condolences. He hoped that the death of the three TNI soldiers could serve as role models for other soldiers.

"And besides feeling lost, we pray that these three best deceased soldiers will be given a proper place in the sight of Allah," he said.

General Dudung also provided compensation to Sertu Rizal's family in the amount of Rp. 50 million. Apart from Dudung, a number of other TNI officials also provided a number of compensations.

SOURCE: https://nusantarainside.id/2022/01/29/kasad-pimpin-pemakaman-sertu-rizal-korban-tembak-kkb-di-tmp-kota-bandung/

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