298 cleaning staff in Jayapura City received basic food assistance

A total of 298 cleaning workers in Jayapura City, Papua Province, received assistance with nine basic commodities (sembako) in the form of five kilograms of rice, two kilograms of cooking oil, 2 cans of sardines (canned fish), tea, sugar, and coffee filled in plastic bags.

The assistance was given to broom workers and drivers (dump truck drivers, heavy equipment, collapsing, mobasa). Especially for the driver staff, they also get assistance in the form of money to buy fuel oil (BBM), which is in charge of handling cleanliness after floods and landslides.

"There are 64 vehicles on standby to handle post-flood and landslide hygiene, such as dump trucks, collapsing, pick-ups, heavy equipment and marine vehicles," said Head of the Jayapura City Environment and Hygiene Service, Jece Mano.
The handover of aid which took place at GOR Waringin Jayapura, Thursday (27/1/2022), which is also the main post for emergency response to floods and landslides on January 6, 2022, was also held with the handing over of operational vehicles to the cleaning staff.

"We express our gratitude to the Mayor of Jayapura City who has provided this assistance. Don't look at the size of the assistance provided, but this is a form of the leadership's concern for us to help support economic needs," said Jece Mano.
Deputy Mayor of Jayapura, Rustan Saru, expressed his gratitude to the cleaning staff for their cooperation in handling cleanliness after floods and landslides for 20 working days.

“We can't imagine if you don't work in handling waste, otherwise it can cause new problems such as disease. We are grateful for being able to work with one heart,” said Rustan.

Rustan said, the janitor in the capital of Papua Province, the total number of which reached 834 people in order to maintain unity, strength, cohesiveness, not to have disagreements, but to prioritize work ethic, especially in handling cleanliness.

"Hopefully this can be useful. This is a blessing from God through the Mayor of Jayapura. I hope that I will continue to work optimally, take care of my health so that I can work well,” said Rustan.

Rustan added that people should not litter, but instead dispose of it in places provided by the Jayapura City Government, such as trash cans and haphazard disposal sites (TPS) from 9 pm to 6 am in order to maintain environmental cleanliness and health while preventing flooding.

SOURCE: https://jubi.co.id/papua-298-energi-keCleanan-di-jayapura- Accept-sembako/amp/

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